Something I’m sure you are aware of is that switching to solar energy is something that is useful for the planet along with your wallet, but plenty of men and women don’t know what costs are involved to get going. While purchasing solar panels will be one of the costs that you’ll incur when switching to solar power, there are some other things that will have to be bought and you are able to save cash. As you continue to read you are going to see that we will be discussing the expenses needed in order to get started utilizing this sort of solar energy.
The Costs
Even though many individuals end up going out and buying everything separately you are going to discover that they do sell complete systems so as to make sure individuals have everything they need to get started. You’re still going to need to purchase batteries separately, since this is how you’ll store the energy, so even if they say they’re a complete solar panel kit you need to keep this in mind. Something else you should keep in mind is how many batteries you are going to wind up needing, and I ought to also point out that the batteries required will depend on the size of the system you generate. For individuals wondering how much these batteries cost, you ought to realize that you are able to pick them up at pretty much any type of auto parts store for about $100.
Solar Power Panels
While purchasing an entire system is something that can be very useful, often they’re much more expensive than buying the items separately and you can spend upwards of $19,000 on one of these ready-to-go systems. If you would like to purchase your solar power panels separately you’ll see that you are able to purchase three or four, 100 watts each panel for about $1000. For people who live alone in a little home, you might see that 3 or 4 panels is all you need to be able to eliminate your electricity bill, needless to say, this will additionally be a great way for other men and women to lower their energy bill. For individuals who use loads of electricity or have loads of individuals living in your house, you will discover that a solar panel system of 10 or even 20 solar panels will be required.
A couple of other things you are going to wind up needing are a power inverter to generate household electricity and a charge controller in order to charge the batteries. Something you should understand would be that the power inverter that you need to have will be depending upon how much electricity you are going to be using and the larger the inverter the more they’re going to cost.
When all is said and done it is going to run you anywhere between $1000 and $1500 to be able to set up a solar panel system that will contain three or four panels, the batteries and other incidentals. In relation to installing the system you may possibly discover that if you have to hire out to have this done there will be more cash involved, but you are able to find information on the internet to show you how to hook this up yourself.